Tubomatic H25 hose crimping machine for crimping low-pressure industrial hoses. Crimping EC-type smooth ferrules onto the hose, crimp diameters from 10 ÷ 25 mm. We invite you to watch our video (with a transcript).
Tubomatic H25 hose crimping machine – video transcript
Hi, my name is Michał Mróz.
Today, I’m going to show you how to crimp smooth ferrules on low-pressure industrial hoses using a manual crimper.
For this purpose I’ve prepared an industrial hose. It’s a Naftrex hose with textile reinforcement. This hose is designed for fuel and cooling systems with a working pressure of up to 10 bar. Smooth ferrules. I matched the inner diameter of the ferrule to the outer diameter of the hose. And a fitting which, unlike a standard hydraulic fitting, does not have a lock on the hose tail.
Every crimping machine comes with three die sets. I’ve already prepared the dies I’m going to crimp with. Changing or putting the dies in is simple. Just unscrew the bolts, take the cover off and place the dies in with the pins facing outwards. Next, put the cover on making sure that the hole in the cover is facing the pin on the crimper. Then tighten the bolts.
Crimping the hose using a manual crimper
Once the dies are installed, place the hose in the ferrule and push the fitting in. Now, position the hose so that the dies are in the centre of the ferrule and start crimping.
Crimping diameters are determined by trial and error depending on the hose used, because the force acting on the fitting at small diameters of hose assemblies is not very large.
Follow the same procedure for the other end. The smooth ferrule system can also be used for quick release couplings, whether for water or air. We don’t have to use a rubber hose each time, it can be a hose made of PVC, for example.
That’s all for today. Thanks for your attention and hope to see you again.