24h service in selected branches

During 30 years in the market, we have come across many emergencies that happened to our customers.  Being aware of their negative impact, we have launched 24h service in selected branches. In designated locations, we provide services both during standard store opening hours and outside them – just make a call and tell us about the problem. We do it all to respond to your needs regarding hose and couplings as quickly as possible, even in the middle of the night.

Scope of services:

Industrial hoses Bielsko Biała

Selling Tubes International products

zakuwanie węży przemysłowych

Crimping industrial hoses

zakuwanie węży hydraulicznych

Crimping hydraulic hoses

produkcja przewodów termoplastycznych

Production of thermoplastic hose assemblies

produkcja przewodów do myjek ciśnieniowych

Production of pressure washer hose assemblies

gięcie rur hydraulicznych

Bending hydraulic pipes

How to request the service?

1. Call the nearest branch that offers 24-hour service (phone numbers and addresses below)

2. Describe the problem and make an appointment

3. Come to the branch where you have made an appointment

4. Get the support you need

Branches providing 24h service:


ul. Sikorskiego 13
44-103 Gliwice
mobile: +48 693 556 778
ul. Krakowska 183
40-393 Katowice
mobile: +48 601 168 021

ul. Starołęcka 31
61-361 Poznań
mobile: +48 697 222 440

ul. Rynkowa 56
62-081 Przeźmierowo
mobile: +48 697 222 440

Czech Republic

Tubes International s.r.o.
Řípská 1153/20a
627 00 Brno
mobile: +420 774 761 300

Tubes International s.r.o.
Pražská třída 691 (areál HACAR)
500 04 Hradec Králové
mobile: +420 777 457 977

Tubes International s.r.o.
Bohumínská 172/151
712 00 Ostrava-Muglinov
mobile: +420 725 353 111

Tubes International s.r.o.
Pod Belárií 784/2
143 00 Praha- Modřany
mobile: +420 725 610 033