Ultra High Pressure thermoplastic hoses and fittings
List of products:

UHP thermoplastic hoses with aramid fibre braid

UHP thermoplastic hoses with steel braid

UHP thermoplastic hoses; twin

Thermoplastic hoses are designed for pressure not exceeding 800 bar. External layer manufactured from abrasion resistant polyurethane, internal layer of polyether or polyamide reinforced by max 3 layers of steel or aramid braid. Widely used in hydraulic systems, rescue equipment, lifts and pumps for hydraulic oil, paints, solvents, isocyanines and polyols. Hoses with pinpricked outer layers can be used for conveying gases. UHP thermoplastic hoses are offered as ready-to-use, complete, pressure-tested hose assemblies (hoses with fittings).
Tubes International
No.4, 2nd floor, Plot no: 127,
Ramamoorthy 2nd main road,
Pazhanthandalam village, Thirumudivakkam,
Chennai – 600044, India
Phone: +91 8 925 918 796
Phone: +91 8 925 918 797
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