5 tips: Check how to increase the efficiency of plastics processing

The plastics industry is one of the most important industries in Poland. It plays a crucial role in food production (packaging), in the construction industry and automotive industry, but also in the electrical and electronic industry. Although plastic materials are not generally associated with a positive input into the environment protection, in some cases replacing wood, metal or glass products with those made of plastic, reduces greenhouse gas emissions almost by half and leads to smaller energy consumption in the entire life cycle of the products. Today, one cannot imagine the world without plastic products. Even though the plastics industry is already greatly developed, processing plastics into finished products can be improved further together with its economy and ecology.
Read the article below to find some ideas on how to make plastics processing at your site even better. You can prevent many undesirable incidents by choosing appropriate hoses and couplings. Just go through the issues we have dealt with to see the solutions which have been already successfully implemented in the plastics processing industry.
Plastics are supplied as granulate, which features a very high coefficient of friction. To save the hose from punctures and holes while handling such granulate, the hose must be abrasion resistant. For example, P 7 M PU AE (resistant to microbes and hydrolysis) and P 7 N PU AS (antistatic version) flexible hoses reinforced with steel wire helix are perfectly suitable. They also have other excellent features relevant to the plastics processing operations – they are oil resistant and non-toxic. If you need the hose for the transfer of reclaimed plastic, which is in the group of sharp plastics, then try our highly recommended and widely used suction-delivery hose – LUISIANA PU ANTISTATIC, made of transparent polyurethane with hard PVC helix. The amount of damage due to abrasion, holes and cuts caused by the sharp plastic reclaim will be surely reduced. Once the granulate is supplied to an injection moulding machine, it is melted and compressed. Then, the molten plastic is conveyed to a mould, where a plastic item is formed and finally pushed out as a finished piece – a moulded piece. We can also prevent many adverse factors influencing the process at this stage.
We recommend using flexible PTFE hoses in steel braid for injection moulding machines. Due to their excellent physical and mechanical properties they outperform PCV hoses in these applications. PTFE is distinguished by its excellent chemical resistance and working temperature in the range from -70ºC to +260ºC. Moreover, it resists the impact of atmospheric conditions and ageing. PTFE material has a low coefficient of friction and features self-cleaning properties as well. Usually the hoses come in an outer braid made of acid resistant steel as a protection against external, mechanical factors.
Setting up an installation comprising PTFE hose assemblies and quick release couplings ensures smooth, failure-free operation and easy assembly. Why use our quick release couplings? First of all, a large flow bore is obtained in a really small coupling. That is why, they perfectly suit applications where the channels are densely arranged. Moreover, they are compatible with quick release couplings of all major, global manufacturers. As the couplings come with Viton seals, they can be used at high temperatures and with a wide range of chemicals (for example: mineral oils, lubricants, many acids and bases). There is also an extensive portfolio of accessories available to equip you injection moulding machine, they comprise for example: bridges to connect cooling channels in injection moulds, hose stubs, nipples and adapters.
In plastics processing the air hoses are used for blowing the granulate with cold or hot air from the heater. You can use SILICONE 1 or SILICONE 2 hoses in this application. They are designed for the extraction of fumes, air and gases at high temperatures (even at 250ºC, and with peaks up to 300ºC). Silicone 2 consists of two glass fibre layers coated with red silicone. It is reinforced with an internal stainless steel wire helix. This group also includes NEOPRENE 1 hose, which also comprises a fibre layer (NEOPRENE 2 is made of two layers of this material), but it is coated with neoprene. With neoprene coating, ageing resistance increases, hose service life is extended to ensure safety of use and reliable operation.
Thermostatting the moulds is another crucial issue. Thermostats can be connected with Camlock couplings, which speed up the replacement of damaged sections of the installation. Thus, the production must not be withhold for a long time. The installation can be also secured by using hydraulically crimped hoses and by colour-coding of termostatting agent hoses. Then, you can be sure that the hoses will not be mixed up.
The above examples of solutions to the problems that may arise during plastics processing are only a few of the many methods that can increase the efficiency of plastics production. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and stay up to date with all information concerning hoses and couplings in the industry. Remember: power flows through hose assemblies!
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